Unioto Middle School
160 Moundsville Road
Chillicothe, OH 45601
Telephone Number: (740) 773-5211
Fax Number: (740) 772-2974
Phillip Fitch, Principal
Matt Combs, Assistant Principal
About Unioto Middle School
General Information
Kindness Matters at Unioto Middle School!
Daily Schedule for 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Students:
7:35 - 8:00 - Breakfast
8:00 - 8:05 - Homeroom
8:08 - 8:54 - 1st Period
8:57 - 9:43 - 2nd Period
9:46 - 10:32 - 3rd Period
10:35 - 11:21 - 4th Period
11:24 - 11:54 - Lunch
11:57- 12:43 - 6th Period
12:46 - 1:32 - 7th Period
1:35 - 2:21 - 8th Period
2:24 - 2:30 - 9th Period (Homeroom to return Chromebooks.)
2:30 - Dismissal
Middle School

The Junior High was opened at the beginning of the 1995-96 school year separating the seventh and eighth grades from the high school after being together for nearly twenty years. The separation has proven to be a very positive change for our students at the Junior high, creating an outstanding learning environment.
In January of 2003, due to the positive support of our community, we moved into a brand new separate junior high wing adjacent to the high school building. The wonderful facility gives us much needed space, as well as the most updated use of technology and the ability to co-ordinate programs and curriculum with the high school, but still keeps the junior high and high school students separated.

Unioto Junior High opened its doors on August 14, 2013 as Unioto Middle School. The change in name is due to the 6th grade addition that we have added to the current building housing 7th and 8th grade students along with the 190+ 6th grade student who eagerly entered the building on August 21. This new wing has nine new classrooms, each of them containing 900 square feet of learning space. This new addition is complete with SmartBoards, wireless access, a mobile computer lab and new lockers to hold their belongings. Sixth grade students will have their own restroom area, but will share spaces such as the gymnasium, cafetorium, and media center. The district is very proud of these new classrooms and everything they have to offer the Middle School student body.