Congratulations to our 3 All-Call winners, Caden Larue, Shannon Blevins, and Keegan Potts! All they had to do was listen to my all-call and reply correctly. Students it really pays to listen! The winners receive a free breakfast or lunch from Rost Coffee in Chillicothe! A special thanks to Trent Fannin for donating to the program. Each student won a $25 gift card for Rost Coffee! Thank you, Mr. Fannin, with Rost Coffee, and Congratulations to Caden, Shannon, and Keegan!! Parents, please remind your child to check their gotanks email every day!!
Pictured are the student winners articulating what they learned to the business owner of Rost Coffee, Mr. Fannin, and me. Great job students!!
Let's show up TONIGHT for the Lady Shermans as they take on Adena!
All Unioto students receive free admission to UHS volleyball games courtesy of Ray Braden, Chillicothe Truck & Accessories!
Today Tue. 9/26/23 Bus #27 students will be approx. 40-45 minutes late arriving home. Bus #27 services Clinton Rd., Witter, Frontier Dr., Sarah Ct. Crosscreek, Patrician Dr., and Larrick Lane. Thank you.
Today Tue. 9/26/23 Bus #27 students will be approx. 30-35 minutes late being picked up. Bus #27 services Clinton Rd., Witter, Frontier Dr., Sarah Ct. Crosscreek, Patrician Dr., and Larrick Lane. Thank you.
Today Monday Sept. 25, 2023 Bus #1 students will be approx. 40-45 minutes late arriving home. Bus #1 services #340 through #719 Anderson Station Rd., Flint Dr., Moccasin, Arrow, Mound, Peace Pipe and Chief Lane.
Also, Bus #27 students will be approx. 40-45 minutes late arriving home. Bus #27 services Clinton Rd., Witter, Frontier Dr., Sarah Ct. Crosscreek, Patrician Dr., and Larrick Lane. Thank you
Today Monday Sept. 25, 2023 Bus #1 students will be approx. 40-45 minutes late being picked up. Bus #1 services #340 through #719 Anderson Station Rd., Flint Dr., Moccasin, Arrow, Mound, Peace Pipe and Chief Lane.
Today Monday Sept. 25, 2023 Bus #27 students will be approx. 30-35 minutes late being picked up. Bus #27 services Clinton Rd., Witter, Frontier Dr., Sarah Ct. Crosscreek, Patrician Dr., and Larrick Lane.
At tonight's football game, the grass area on the north end of the bleachers is closed to students. This is a result of multiple fights, threats, inappropriate behavior, injuries, lack of parental supervision, and other safety concerns. A reminder parents are responsible for the supervision of their children. Thanks and Go Tanks!
All-call for 4:00 pm today!
Our Vision: By inspiring greatness, all students will realize their worth and potential.
Our Mission: At Union-Scioto School District, students will learn, lead, and make a difference.
Our Motto: Today’s Learners, Tomorrow’s Leaders
Parents this all call is for the students. As always you are welcome to listen. No official school announcements.
Students: Some things we never challenge. Some things we just accept as universal truths. For example, if you practice something you will get better at it. Truth. Practice hitting baseballs every day and you will get better at it. Practice reading and you will get better at it. Math, woodworking, running, being helpful or respectful, wrestling, gardening, writing, video games, cooking, healthier eating, investing, communicating, saying thank you and please, etc. There is an endless menu of choices for all of us. Yes, there are limits, but no one questions, if you practice something consistently, you will incrementally improve. You will get better. So, ask yourself. What do I want to get better at? What do I want to improve about myself? Be very clear about it. Be precise. Pick one thing and start practicing. As a suggestion, pick something super easy that the most lazy, unfocused, uncommitted part of you would be willing to actually do. Sometimes you need to set your goals low enough that you will actually follow through with them. It is ok. A lower goal that is set and attained is way better than a high goal set but never followed through with. Be realistic and specific. Oftentimes people are vague about their goals. Partly because they are afraid of failing. So they are not specific enough to when they fail. The fear of failure prevents them from being successful. So be clear and humble enough to set your goals at a level that with some effort and practice you can and will accomplish them. This will give you some PRACTICE at accomplishing your goals and you will also improve with that!
Practice being a good person and see what happens. Practice thinking positively and see what happens. Practice being on time, being responsible, being respectful, being nice, thoughtful, considerate, kind, a good friend, being more honest, etc. Just pick something and start practicing and see what happens!
Let me warn you, and I do this with complete certainty, that what you pick to practice you will get better at. So be careful what you pick! What you practice you become. Ask yourself, what do I want to be better at and simply start practicing it. If you really truly want it…you will get it.
Just this week, I had a conversation with a teacher whom I greatly respect and appreciate who had a new challenge this school year that just landed in her lap. It was and has been tough but in our conversation, she mentioned being grateful for the experience and focusing on the positive. So here is an idea to practice: Gratitude. Practice gratitude! Check out this video!
Students - reply to this all-call in the subject heading of your email “Be Thankful”. I will enter all students replying correctly and by the deadline of Tuesday, September 26th by noon in a drawing for a nice prize!
Congratulations again to our previous winners Cameron Jones and Kaylynn Menendez and I hope you are enjoying your Airpods Pro!
Carry your own weather!! Go Tanks!!
Call time for choir members for tomorrow's Homecoming game performance is 3:45. If transportation is a concern, students will be welcome to stay after school in the choir room. If unable to be here by 3:45, all students must arrive no later than 6 PM. The UMA will be feeding the choir members with the band. The dress for the performance is Black pants or skirt with purple and/or gold top. This is a graded performance and attendance is expected. Any questions, please call Mr. Elliott at the high school extension 4162. Go Tanks!
All Unioto students' admission is free for Friday's Homecoming game vs. Piketon compliments of Ray Braden, Chillicothe Truck and Accessories. Your free ticket to the game will be given to you at the gate. Thank you, Ray Braden and Chillicothe Truck and Accessories. All Unioto students get in free this Friday.
Please support your team as they play on Friday. Hope you enjoy the game. Go Tanks!
Our campus has undergone many updates and improvements over the last year! Check out a video detailing the projects here:
Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year!
Go Tanks!
Check out the breakfast and lunch menus for October!
Congratulations to Cameron Jones, a UMS student, and Kaylynn Menendez, a UHS student for winning the All-Call drawing by listening and replying correctly! It pays to listen!! They both won Airpod Pros compliments of Ray Braden of Chillicothe Truck and Accessories. Great job students!! Go Tanks!!
Reminder: fall pictures are tomorrow, Wednesday, September 13 for middle and high school students.
Order forms were sent home last week. Online orders are also accepted at Please use access code UNIOTOMS or UNIOTOHS and begin typing your student's name.
A percentage of the proceeds from picture orders is returned to the school, which in turn, benefits our students and school. Capture your student's smile this school year while also supporting our school!
All-call for 7:30 am today!
Our Vision: By inspiring greatness, all students will realize their worth and potential.
Our Mission: At Union-Scioto School District, students will learn, lead, and make a difference.
Our Motto: Today’s Learners, Tomorrow’s Leaders
Dedicated this all-call to our superstar teachers at Unioto.
Over 25 years ago I was introduced to the Starfish story and it continues to be the greatest reminder of what our profession is all about. It has served as a lighthouse in my journey as a person, leader, and educator. I would characterize it as symbolic of a truly devoted, genuine, and caring teacher’s mission. Allow me to share.
One day a man was walking along the beach when he noticed a figure in the distance. As he got closer, he realized the figure was that of a boy picking something up and gently throwing it into the ocean. Approaching the boy, he asked, “What are you doing?”
The youth replied, “Throwing starfish back into the ocean. The sun is up and the tide is going out. If I don’t throw them back, they’ll all die.”
Son, the man said, “Don’t you realize there are miles and miles of beach and hundreds of starfish?” You can’t possibly make a difference!”
After listening politely, the boy bent down, picked up another starfish, and threw it into the surf. Then, smiling at the man, he said, “I made a difference for that one.”
Our teachers have one of, if not, the most challenging and greatest responsibilities - educating our youth. It is tough. It is work. It is time-consuming. It is exhausting. It is demanding. It is relentlessly taxing. It is hard. To do it right is unbelievably hard. But let me say this unapologetically. Helping a child realize their worth and potential transcends any and all of the hardships inherent in being a teacher. Just this week in a conversation with one of our staff members whom I respect tremendously, I was reminded that there is nothing, nothing more rewarding than genuinely helping another person, but even more so, a child! Unquestionably, serving as a teacher can be the most rewarding, meaningful, and fulfilling possible human experience. “Children are our future. Teaching them important values and helping them make the right decisions is a priority. There is nothing more vital than guiding children down the right path on their journey through life.” So, allow me to shine a light of gratitude, respect, admiration, and genuine appreciation for each of our teachers at Unioto for their service and commitment to the betterment of our most precious resource, our children. Teacher appreciation week…are you kidding me?? One week? Being a teacher ranks up there with being a mother. I have said for years and will continue to say, we should celebrate Mother’s Day every day! Same with Teacher’s Appreciation Week - it should be every week! Thank you, Unioto teachers! I encourage all of us to let a teacher or teachers know how much you appreciate them. Take a moment and thank them. They have and will continue to earn it!
Students - reply to this all-call in the subject heading of your email “Thank you, teachers”. I will enter all students replying correctly and by the deadline of Tuesday, September 12th by noon in a drawing for a nice prize!
Carry your own weather!! Go Tanks!!
All Unioto students' admission is free for this Friday's home football game vs. Westfall compliments of Sean Knight, Quality Builders of Ohio. Thank you Sean Knight of Quality Builders of Ohio. All Unioto students get in free this Friday. Please support your team this Friday and hope you enjoy the game.
Fall pictures will be next Wednesday, September 13 for middle and high school students. Order forms have already been sent home. Online orders are also accepted at Please use access code UNIOTOMS or UNIOTOHS and begin typing your student's name.
A percentage of the proceeds from picture orders is returned to the school, which in turn, benefits our students and school. Capture your student's smile this school year while also supporting our school!
Drama Club Reminder:
Today, Wednesday, September 6th, the Drama Club will be holding an important informational meeting that all student participants and parents should attend! It will be no more than an hour and will be held in the Auditeria at 6:30 PM. Again, the Drama Club informational meeting is to be held today in the auditeria at 6:30 pm. Any student participating in the middle school/high school drama club and their parents should plan to attend! Thank you and GO TANKS!!
All-call for 4:00 pm today!
Our Vision: By inspiring greatness, all students will realize their worth and potential.
Our Mission: At Union-Scioto School District, students will learn, lead, and make a difference.
Our Motto: Today’s Learners, Tomorrow’s Leaders
I wanted to announce some bad news in advance to help our students begin their mental preparation for not having school on a Monday! Take a deep breath students and know that you can do it! No School Monday, September 4th due to Labor Day. Focus on the positive that school will resume on Tuesday, September 5th!
Good News: Our student winner for listening and following directions properly by responding to Friday’s all-call and email from me is Elizabeth Trout, a 5th grader! Congratulations on winning the 2nd Generation AirPods Pro! A special thanks to Ray Braden and Chillicothe Truck and Accessories for sponsoring the gift and to my secretary Beth Smith for drawing the winner! Many students were eliminated due to not properly following my directions. So, learn from your mistakes and try again! It pays to listen!!
Parents, I can personally and professionally attest to the challenges and real real difficulties in raising and guiding children. As parents, we continually reflect, think, and I would say worry about how we can be the best parent for this child I love, cherish, and care so so much for. One area, in particular, I have observed consistently over my 30 years in education that parents struggle with is disciplining their children. Maintaining consistent expectations and following through with consistent consequences or even consequences at all. Know that it is tough. It is hard. And you will make mistakes. I think everyone knows this to be true. I applaud and admire parents for accepting the challenge of good, solid parenting. Allow me to encourage you to stay strong, and work to be the best parent you can be for your children. They deserve it and need it more than ever. Most importantly, remember, it is love to correct a child heading down the wrong path, making poor decisions, associating with the wrong crowd, adopting and demonstrating a bad attitude, and making excuses and blaming others all the time. It is love to correct them. Hold them accountable and maintain high expectations and they will rise to meet them. I heard an interesting rule to follow when parenting your children. “Don’t let your children do anything that will make you not like them”. The inevitable discomfort that comes with disciplining your children and holding them accountable will be secondary to how you will feel if your children are not equipped to handle real-life difficulties as adults. Learning to deal with and experience criticism, being corrected, told no, and being held accountable will prepare them for being an adult. So, don’t be afraid to exercise your authority as a parent with your children. They will thank you for it someday. I guarantee it. Guarantee it! And if by chance they don’t thank you, they will be thankful. Children are an investment that will pay us back in ways we can only imagine. They are counting on you to be the parent they may not like, but will love, for the love you give to them! You may not want to be nicer to them than the world is going to be. So, hats off to each and every one of our parents!! Know you are appreciated and I am thankful for you accepting the most rewarding challenge you will ever encounter! Students, you should thank your parents or the loved ones in your life for taking on the great responsibility of raising and supporting you. It may feel a bit awkward the first time you do it, but look them in the eye and thank them. Thank them! Parents need encouragement too and there is no better place to get it than from their children.
I have attached a short clip from one of the best TV shows of all time that is always packed full of good solid wholesome parenting concepts and a great show for all to watch!
Any student in grades 5-12 to reply to this email with “Thank You” in the subject heading will be entered into a drawing!! This week it is not the first 10 students to reply. I will include all the students who reply correctly by Tuesday, September 5, 2023, by 9:00 a.m.
4 days til Monday and carry your own weather!!
Go Tanks!