⚽️ Soccer Registration ⚽️
UYSL soccer signups are open. Registration ends August 20th.
First game will be September 10th and will run through the end of October. Attached is the link for the registration. Looking forward to another successful session.

Youth flag football announcement:
Anyone in grades 3-6 who is interested in playing flag football has until august 7 to contact Head Football coach Matt Hoops to get signed up. 740-649-7360

Middle School One Call
made on August 2 at 3:45pm
Good afternoon,
This is PJ FItch, your Unioto Middle School Principal.
The purpose of this call is to provide our middle school students and parents with important information and key dates as we move closer to the start of the school year.
Unioto Middle School will be hosting a New Student Orientation on August 15th at 5:00pm in the auditeria. This orientation is ONLY for incoming 6th grade students and 7th and 8th grade students that are new to Unioto. After orientation, Open House for these new middle school students will last until 7:30pm. The orientation and open house IS NOT for students that have already attended Unioto Middle School previously.
In addition, Unioto Middle School will provide returning 7th and 8th students an opportunity to pick up their schedule and locker information before the first day of school.
Returning 7th grade students may stop in the middle school office and pick up their tentative schedule and locker assignments on August 7th or August 8th between the hours of 8:00am and 3:00pm.
Likewise, returning 8th grade students may stop in the middle school office and pick up their tentative schedule and locker assignment on August 10th or August 11th between the hours of 8:00am and 3:00pm.
Parents of returning students should not be concerned if their son or daughter is unable to make it on the specified days because All students will receive their schedules and locker assignments again on the first day of school regardless.
Thank you for your time! Go Tanks!

Open House dates and times, supply lists, and lunch menus for the start of the 2023-2024 school year.
UHS Students do not have a specific supply list due to the wide range of course options that students may take. When school resumes, individual teachers will identify the supplies needed for their specific course on the first day of school.
Hope everyone is having a fun and safe summer! Go Tanks!

If you have a student entering Kindergarten for the 2023-24 school year, please note that we operate on a staggered start on August 17th and August 18th. Half of the students will attend one day, with the other half attending the second day. All students will resume school on a regular 5-day schedule on August 21st.
Letters will be mailed by each classroom teacher to all registered kindergarten students by the end of the week. Enclosed in the letter you will find information on classroom assignment as well as state your child's designated stagger start date. You can expect those letters to arrive by the middle of next week.

Ladies Tennis Announcement:
Players and parents can sign up for tennis remind notifications by texting @22utennis to 81010 and find Unioto Women’s Tennis on Facebook. All practice and match messages will be sent via remind.
The match schedule can be found on Facebook and the school athletics website.
Mandatory practices begin Monday, July 31 at Yoctangee Park tennis courts from 11-1. Wear tennis shoes, bring a racquet, and bring plenty of water to drink. Matches begin the second week of August.
See you at the courts!

2023-2024 District Calendar & Open House Information

Unioto Elementary & Middle School Supply Lists for 2023-2024
UHS Students: There is not a specific supply list due to the wide range of course options that students may take. When school resumes, individual teachers will identify the supplies needed for their specific course on the first day of school.
We hope everyone is having a safe and enjoyable summer! Go Tanks!

All call for 4:00 pm today!
Our Vision: By inspiring greatness, all students will realize their worth and potential.
Our Mission: At Union-Scioto School District, students will learn, lead and make a difference.
Our Motto: Today’s Learners, Tomorrow’s Leaders.
A few announcements:
Congratulations to our girl's softball team on their outstanding season and tournament. Finishing up in the Regional Finals! First ever in the history of Unioto! Great job ladies and coaches.
Congrats to the following track athletes who qualified and participated in the state track meet at Ohio State last Friday and Saturday:
Ashton Beverly, Kyan Clark, Gwyn Eldridge, Maddox Fox, Caden LaRue, JJ LaRue, Turner Markko, Briana Nelson, Ava Rooker, Cameron Walker
Cameron Walker finished 9th in the 1600m and 9th in the 3200m; Ashton Beverly finished 17th in the 800m
Boys 4x800 finished 6th
JJ LaRue
Caden LaRue
Turner Markko
Ashton Beverly
Girls 4x800 finished 17th
Cameron Walker
Gwyn Eldridge
Ava Rooker
Briana Nelson
We are very excited to announce we have partnered with FinalForms, an online forms management service, which will allow parents/guardians to complete and sign academic and athletic forms for your students online. Once completed, the information will be saved from year to year. All current parents within the District will receive a confirmation email from FinalForms by Wednesday, June 14. This email will guide you through creating a parent account on FinalForms. Once created, you will complete all necessary forms online. Please have all forms completed prior to the start of the new school year. Any questions, please contact the building secretaries.
Open House times, supply lists, and class assignments will be announced on our district website, district and building Facebook, and all calls this summer. Stay tuned!
As I am sure many have noticed we have several construction projects in process and expect most, if not all, to be completed by the end of June. Our new track is expected to be completed before the end of June weather permitting and will be opened back up for our student athletes and community. Please continue to stay off until completion. The paving and sealing projects are progressing and will add several more parking spaces in various areas on campus and should be complete by the end of June as well. The new roof restoration for the high school will be ongoing throughout most of the summer but should be complete prior to students returning to school in August. The renovations to our HS and MS gymnasiums are almost complete as well and we are very pleased with the results. We are very thankful to be able to provide these improvements to our campus to better serve our students and community.
One last farewell and best wishes to our graduating Seniors. Congratulations Seniors you are officially an adult!
Have a great weekend and remember to carry your own weather, hard work works, be thankful, and 3 days til Monday and 70 days til the start of school!!
Go Tanks!

Information regarding Open Houses for 2023-2024

We know that summer has just begun, but we are already planning for next school year at UHS. In looking ahead, this is just a reminder that there is not a specific supply list for high school students due to the wide range of course options that students may take. When school resumes, each teacher will identify the supplies needed for their specific course on the first day of school.
We hope your summer break is off to a great start!

Unioto Middle School is pleased to announce the "A/B" Honor Roll for the fourth 9-weeks grading period.

Unioto Middle School is pleased to announce the "All A" Honor Roll for the fourth 9-weeks grading period.

Middle School Supply List for the 2023.2024 school year

All call for 4:00 pm today!
Our Vision: By inspiring greatness, all students will realize their worth and potential.
Our Mission: At Union-Scioto School District, students will learn, lead and make a difference.
Our Motto: Today’s Learners, Tomorrow’s Leaders.
A few announcements as we approach the end of the school year:
Congratulations to all of our MS students inducted into the National Honor Society. This is a significant accomplishment and we are proud of each of you! Great job!
Congrats to our softball team on their District Championship!! Next opportunity to advance is Wednesday, May 24 at 5pm vs Gnadenhutton at Philo HS in the regional semifinals. Great job ladies and coaches!
Our baseball team competes Monday, May 22 vs Circleville in Athens 7:00pm in the District Semifinals.
A nice job to our Band, Choir, and Orchestra students on their recent performances!
ALL SVC Selections-
Girls had a total of 13 athletes earn this honor taking home 1st in 11 of 17 events including all 4 relays.
The team was led by Senior Addision Mohan with 32 individual points taking 1st in the 400, 2nd in the long jump, 3rd in the 100 and 200. Mohan was followed by two outstanding freshmen performances in Aidyn Danison (1st in the 100 and 200 and part of the winning 4x1 and 4x2 teams) and Cameron Walker (1st in the 1600, 800, and part of the winning 4x8 and 4x4 teams) both outscoring all other opponents aside from their senior leader.
Other all-league athletes on the girl's side include Alexa West, Ella Pelfrey, Grace McBee, Jaelyn Himes, Hannah Kempton, Alexis Book, Ella Cutright, Gwyn Eldridge, Ava Rooker, and Briana Nelson. Boys were led by Seniors Ashton Beverly and Maddox Fox with Beverly taking home the titles in the boys 1600 and 800 and being a part of the winning 4x8 team and runners-up 4x4 team. Fox brought home 1st in the 300 hurdles and high jump, 3rd in the 100 hurdles, and 5th in the 200.
Maddox Fox, Ashton Beverly, Caden Larue, JJ Larue, Turner Markko.
Day 1 of the District tournament was 5/16/23 with preliminary races for several events and finals for others. Regional Qualifiers from day 1 include District Champions 4x8- Caden Larue, Ashton Beverly, Turner Markko, and JJ Larue. District Runner Up 4x8- Gwyn Eldridge, Briana Nelson, Ava Rooker, Cameron Walker, High Jump 3rd place- Alexis Book, Long Jump 3rd Place-Caden Cutright
Girls and boys are back in action on Saturday with field events starting at 10am and running events
starting at 11:30am with District Final events.
Just a few other announcements of upcoming events:
Kindergarten registration is scheduled for May 23 & 24.
Freshman Awards - Tuesday, May 23@8:30am in Auditeria
Sophomore Awards - Tuesday, May 23@10am in Auditeria
Junior Awards - Wednesday, May 24@8:30am in Auditeria
Senior Awards - Wednesday, May 24@6pm
Last day of school for students - Wednesday, May 24 (2hr release)
Graduation - Sunday, May 28@4pm - Schedule to be outside at the stadium
Have a great weekend and remember to carry your own weather, hard work works, be thankful, and 3 days til Monday!!
Go Tanks!

All call for 4:00 pm today!
Our Vision: By inspiring greatness, all students will realize their worth and potential.
Our Mission: At Union-Scioto School District, students will learn, lead and make a difference.
Our Motto: Today’s Learners, Tomorrow’s Leaders.
A few announcements as we approach the end of the school year:
A reminder to our high school seniors and their parents that all school fees need to be paid in full for graduation participation. Yes, it is getting close to that time of year and graduation will be here before you know it. Please check with the office to ensure all fees are paid.
Our Track teams are competing this evening in the District prelims at WCH with the finals being held at the same place this Saturday. Congratulations on our track teams for an outstanding season and for winning the league championship. Great job to both teams especially with the extra challenges they faced this year. So proud of our athletes and coaches for being bigger than their challenges! Great job!
Our softball team is competing in the District Semifinals tonight at OU in Athens vs Jackson. After the win, they will play again for the District Finals at OU again.
Our baseball team had an outstanding season winning the league and are competing in the Sectional Finals vs Waverly at home at 5:00 pm.
Our tennis team had an outstanding season and our doubles team of Lucas Hanes and Mason Thornsberry are competing this Wednesday at Athens in the District.
Just a few other announcements of upcoming events:
Orchestra Concert (all grades) - Thursday, May 18@7pm with Beginning Orchestra starting at 6 pm
Kindergarten registration is scheduled for May 23 & 24.
Freshman Awards - Tuesday, May 23@8:30am in Auditeria
Sophomore Awards - Tuesday, May 23@10am in Auditeria
Junior Awards - Wednesday, May 24@8:30am in Auditeria
Senior Awards - Wednesday, May 24@6pm
Last day of school for students - Wednesday, May 24 (2hr release)
Graduation - Sunday, May 28@4pm - Schedule to be outside at the stadium
Have a great evening and remember to carry your own weather, hard work works, be thankful, and 3 days til Friday!! Oh my gosh, did I just say that??? Go Tanks!!
Go Tanks!

New Track Project Update
We are excited to announce we are in the final phase of our new track project and expected to be completed by the end of the month!
The track and football field will not be accessible until further notice. Please do not utilize the track or football field at anytime including evenings and weekends. We will announce when the track and field will officially be available.
Please stay off track!

The Unioto Spring Choir Concert is this evening at 7 PM, Tuesday, May 9. The student call time for choir members is 6:00 PM and audience members may enter beginning at 6:30 PM. This year's concert features music from the past and present. Song titles include Simon and Garfunkle's "The Sound of Silence", Aretha Franklin's "Think" and much more. Come on out and enjoy all of what our students have achieved in choir this year.

All call for 4:00 pm today!
Our Vision: By inspiring greatness, all students will realize their worth and potential.
Our Mission: At Union-Scioto School District, students will learn, lead and make a difference.
Our Motto: Today’s Learners, Tomorrow’s Leaders.
Hard to believe we are about to embark on the last month of school for the 2022-23 school year! A few announcements:
The Unioto Drama Club is proud to announce this year’s Spring Musical, Disney’s The Little Mermaid Jr. with music by Alan Menken, Lyrics by Howard Ashman and Glenn Slater, and the book by Doug Wright. The cast of performers is made up of students from sixth through twelfth grades. Club advisors Mr. Frank Elliott and Mrs. Maureen Simon are extremely proud of this year’s hard-working cast of under the sea swimming students, as well as the student leaders including Delaney Lovensheimer, Madison Watson, Aurora Lemaster, and Larissa Thompson. “This year, we have added 22 new intelligent and specialty lighting fixtures, a couple of surprises, tons of costumes, and multiple large set pieces.” Said, Elliott. “Our drama program is young, but we plan to ‘PLUS IT’ each year, as Walt Disney called it, taking things to the next level.” There will be two performances open to the public this Friday and Saturday, April 28th and 29th at the Unioto Auditeria. Doors will open at 6:30 pm and the show begins at 7:00 pm. Tickets will be available at the door for $7.00 for the general public and $5.00 for students. Snack refreshments and cast gifts will be on sale!
Congrats to our elementary SCOPES class and Mrs. Domo on their OSLN statewide design challenge win!! Awards won by SCOPES Academy at Unioto:
K-5 Southeast Hub Winner
K-5 Division Student’s Choice Award
2023 OSLN Design Challenge State Winner
Students participating in the engineering challenge: Dylan Tipton, Carter Ball, Lincoln Elliott, Evan Kinnison, Alayna Schwemlein, Oliver Roper, Leo Taylor, Braxtynn Lee, Asa Detty, Luis Astorga, Kamran Jones, Lucas Ramsey, Luke Flemming, Nico Klupenger, Shelby Howard, Meredyth Schweitzer, Owen Fishel, and Owen Kelley
A reminder to our high school seniors and their parents that all school fees need to be paid in full for graduation participation. Yes, it is getting close to that time of year and graduation will be here before you know it. Please check with the office to ensure all fees are paid.
Monday of next week is school bus driver appreciation day! We appreciate our bus drivers! Driving a school bus is an integral part of educating our students and we appreciate their efforts to support our families, students, and school district. Appreciation Day is on May 1st because our drivers are #1. Thank you, bus drivers!
HS Prom - Saturday, May 6@8pm
Choir Concert - Tuesday, May 9@6pm
Band Concert - Thursday, May 11@7pm
Mother’s Day - Sunday, May 14
MS National Honor Society Induction - Tuesday, May 16@8:30am
Orchestra Concert (all grades) - Thursday, May 18@7pm with Beginning Orchestra starting at 6 pm
Kindergarten registration is scheduled for May 23 & 24.
Senior Awards - Wednesday, May 24@6pm
Last day of school for students - Wednesday, May 24 (2hr release)
Graduation - Sunday, May 28@4pm
Have a great weekend and remember to carry your own weather, hard work works, be thankful, and 3 days til Monday!!
Go Tanks!

Due to staff participating in professional development on May 25, the last day for students will be Wednesday, May 24. Students will be released two hours early.