Follow your passion, be prepared to work hard and sacrifice, and, above all, don’t limit your dreams.
— Donovan Bailey
All call for 4:00 pm today!
Our Vision: By inspiring greatness, all students will realize their worth and potential.
Our Mission: At Union-Scioto School District, students will learn, lead and make a difference.
Our Motto: Today’s Learners, Tomorrow’s Leaders.
A reminder to parents all announcements will continue to be posted on the Union-Scioto Local School District Facebook page and now on our district website under the “live feed” section. You can access our website at The first time you access our website you may have to refresh your browser.
Family sport passes are available at the administration office. See Teresa Brown if interested. Family pass is $200 for family, $125 for single adult, and $75 for single student. All ticket prices are $5 with exception of $3 dollars for Senior Citizens.
A special thanks to our support staff working in the offices, our clinics, our classrooms, and our cafeterias! We appreciate each of you for your contribution to our students, families, and school district. Also, a special thanks to our teaching staff for their continued efforts to provide meaningful lessons and influence our students to become tomorrow's leaders. It isn’t even up for debate of the need for more leaders in our communities. We all know this to be true. Thank you - Thank you!!
No school this Monday, September 6 due to Labor Day. Students sometimes express their disappointment on these extended weekends. Missing school on a Monday is a real bummer and 4 days til Tuesday just doesn’t have the same ring to it as 3 days til Monday!! At any rate, students stay positive, enjoy the weekend, read a good book, watch an informative podcast, spend time with your family and friends, or at least at a minimum do something productive. Back to my suggestion to read a good book. The interesting thing about reading books is you can choose your peers. Right? The authors of the books you read. You can enter into their perspectives, into their worlds, learn new concepts, and engage in self improvement through others by absorbing their knowledge and applying it to your life. There is some real utility in reading good books. And yes, you can actually pick your peers. Pick wisely with the books you read. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of unbelievable, creative, highly perceptive and intelligent authors. You can learn from their lives and benefit from their writings and elevate yourself to a different level! Read. Read good books!
Go Tanks!!
Unioto Elementary Picture Day is coming! You can preorder your student's photos by typing Unioto Elementary as the Event Access Code at the following link:
Athletic event update:
The seventh grade football game at Meigs has been canceled tonight due to pending weather.
In addition, the junior high golf match Piketon has also been canceled.
All call for 4:00 pm today!
Our Vision: By inspiring greatness, all students will realize their worth and potential.
Our Mission: At Union-Scioto School District, students will learn, lead and make a difference.
Our Motto: Today’s Learners, Tomorrow’s Leaders.
The Unioto High School choir has been invited to attend the Choirs of America Nationals Event in New York City this Spring. The choir will not only be adjudicated for a rating at the Aaron Copeland School of Music in Queens, they will also have the incredible opportunity to perform on stage at Carnegie Hall as a spotlight group during the Harmonic Convergence Concert. Sightseeing and unique New York cuisine experiences are also a part of the tour package. As with any trip, an expense is involved and it is big. With over sixty members, the choir needs to raise just over $100,000. Therefore, we need your help and support. If you would like to donate, please mail a check to:
P.O. Box 6052
Chillicothe, Ohio 45601
We appreciate every dollar! Don't forget to put a note in the envelope stating the funds are for choir. You could even write Attn: Choir on the envelope as well. Let's help these kids fulfill this once in a lifetime opportunity!
Please note the district has not mandated masks; however, if students wear a mask and/or are vaccinated, they will not be subjected to quarantine per the Ross County Health Department guidelines. Encourage your child to social distance at least 3 feet as much as possible throughout the school day and at events and activities. A flowchart for quarantine after exposure will be shared on our Facebook page.
A reminder when parking along our new paved area between the soccer and football fields please be careful not to run into the new fencing. The new paving created additional parking spaces for our families for pick ups and evening events. Please be mindful to not damage the fencing.
Open enrollment applications need to be turned in as soon as possible. These forms need to be completed each school year.
Latchkey parents, your latchkey payment for August was due before school started. Please make your payments ASAP. All future payments are due by the first of each month. We have several families on a waiting list.
Preschool Parents - your first payment is due SEPT. 1st and by the first of each month through September.
Congrats to our golf team for winning the SVC #2 match this week! Volleyball team was impressive in their victory last night. Our ladies soccer team had a shutout at home while our boys soccer ended with a tie. Excited for the beginning of our fall athletic season!
Our first varsity football home game on our new natural turf (completed with donations - we are extremely grateful for the generosity to make this happen for our student-athletes and program) is this evening with a game time of 7:00pm and our cross country team competes on Saturday@Pickerton North at 8:00am and our first mountain bike team event is this weekend at John Bryant State Park in Yellow Springs, Ohio! Family passes are available at the administration office. See Teresa Brown if interested. Family pass is $200 for family, $125 for single adult, and $75 for single student. All ticket prices are $5 with exception of $3 dollars for Senior Citizens.
A special thanks to our maintenance and custodial staff for all their hard work and dedication over the summer to prepare our campus and facilities to welcome our students and staff back to school. I would also like to express appreciation to our transportation department and bus drivers for their efforts for the beginning days of school transporting our students. They cover thousands of miles with our students throughout the school year and we are thankful for their commitment for their role in educating our students. More thanks and expressions of appreciation will be included in future announcements as we have so so many groups to be thankful for here at the U!
Have a great weekend and yes, I and our students are so so thankful it is only 3 days til Monday!! Each and every student is in love with the beautiful Monday mornings with a full week of opportunities just waiting for them to capitalize on! Wouldn’t it be awesome if every day was a Monday?? Monday, Monday, a full week of nothing but Mondays!! Think about it…every day is a new beginning, a new opportunity, new challenge, a test of your attitude and focus on elevating yourself to that next level. An elevator that you get to choose which floor you want to go to next. Push that button!!! The doors will open!!! Take someone with you…that's leadership!! When you elevate yourself…you elevate others and there is nothing but good that comes from that for you, for your friends, for your family, and for your community and all you encounter. Imagine what this world would be like, just imagine if each of us pushed that button every single day! Monday, Monday, Monday…7 days a week…I think I am on to something here!!!!
Go Tanks!!
We are grateful for our Transportation team! Our drivers have worked extremely hard to get students to and from school safely during these first few days.
A special thank you to families also for your continued patience as pick up and drop off times may have been delayed during these first few days.
All call for 4:00 pm today!
Our Vision: By inspiring greatness, all students will realize their worth and potential.
Our Mission: At Union-Scioto School District, students will learn, lead and make a difference.
Our Motto: Today’s Learners, Tomorrow’s Leaders.
Super excited for a full week this week! Last week we had opening day for staff, open house for students and families, athletic events, school buses on the road, first day of school, students in the hallways and classrooms, on our fields, in the band room, lunchtime and recesses, and beautiful smiling faces in all of the buildings of our students, all of this was truly truly a breath of fresh air! A great start to a great school year and looking forward to a great week at the U!
We have plenty of learning in our classrooms this week along with football, volleyball, cross country, soccer, and tennis events this week and our first Mountain Bike Team event this weekend at John Bryan State Park starting at 9:30am! Exciting week for our students! If you are interested in joining the team please contact Heather Lawhorn at 330-581-5705 or at The event information can be found at this link: Event #1 John Bryan Final.pdf
One more reminder: I plan to utilize our district facebook page for most of my communication this school year. Please like or follow Union-Scioto Local School District on Facebook. We will be utilizing our building pages as well. Please follow our district Twitter account Union-Scioto LSD for announcements and school related information.
A reminder when parking along our new paved area between the soccer and football fields please be careful not to run into the new fencing. The new paving created additional parking spaces for our families for pick ups and evening events. Please be mindful to not damage the fencing.
Open enrollment applications need to be turned in as soon as possible. These forms need to be completed each school year.
Again, super excited for the beginning of our school year and am very very thankful for the opportunity to be back in school and to see our students learning, interacting, smiling and enjoying school.
Keep in mind this week the importance of carrying your own weather, making the days count, and embracing the challenges and opportunities to become your best self.
Go Tanks!!
Middle/High School Lunch Menu for September.
Reminder: breakfast and lunch are free for ALL students!
Check out Unioto Elementary's Breakfast & Lunch Menu for September.
Reminder: breakfast and lunch are free for ALL students!
Welcome back students and staff!
Middle School one call:
Good evening,
This is Unioto Middle School Principal P.J. Fitch calling with a couple updates for the new school year. You may also find this information in the Middle School Newsletter that was recently mailed home and shared on the Middle School Facebook page and District webpage.
Open House for Middle School students will take place on Tuesday August 17th. Sixth grade and new student orientation will run from 6-7pm with students and parents meeting in the Auditeria. Seventh and Eighth grade students Open House will run from 7-8 pm. Those students will enter the building by the office and pick up their schedules, locker information, and then find their class rooms. Any student that is unable to attend will receive all this information in their homeroom on the first day of school.
If you are an open enrollment student at Unioto, please make certain that your application is turned into our office immediately. These applications have to be resubmitted each year.
Finally, we are happy to report that our school breakfast and lunch will be free to all students for the upcoming year!
The staff and I look forward to your return on Thursday August 19th!
Thank you for your time,
Go Tanks!
High School All-Call going out tonight:
Good Evening,
This is Unioto High School Principal, Nathan Caplinger calling with a few updates regarding the new school year. First of all, we would like to welcome all of our students back to “The U” for another great school year. We are always so proud of our students and we look forward to serving all of our students and families again for the upcoming school year.
During this call, you will hear several important announcements regarding the start of school, but you can also find much of this information in our Back to School Newsletter which was sent out earlier in the week in the mail.
Our annual Open House will be held on Tuesday, August 17th from 6-8 pm. Also during that evening, from 7-7:30 we will have our annual Freshmen/New2theU Orientation. If you are an incoming freshman or a new student to Unioto, you are welcome to attend this event to get some helpful information and tips about success in high school. Freshmen and new students may pick up a paper copy of their schedules after the orientation. Returning students, you will not receive a paper copy of your schedule at the open house. However, all students can view their schedule on ProgressBook very soon. Additionally, all students will receive a paper copy of their schedule on the first day of school in homeroom classes. Students, the homeroom class assignments will be posted throughout the school so you will be able to find your way to the correct location on the first day of school. Once you get your schedules, your teachers will tell you what school supplies you will need for their specific classes, so don’t worry about school supplies until you meet your teachers on the first day of school.
Speaking of the first day of school, the first day of school for students will be Thursday, August 19th. The front doors for the school will open at 7:25 am. Once again, student drivers are asked to remain in their vehicles until 7:50 am. At that time, the student-driver entrance doors will be unlocked.
Also, speaking of student drivers, please make sure that you come to the main office to procure your parking permit for the new school year. This is a simple process which only takes a few minutes, so students if you plan to drive to school this year, please make sure to take care of this as soon as possible. As always, we ask that all student drivers exercise patience in the first few days until all students have had a chance to sign up for a spot. Again, we thank you for your patience.
In terms of breakfast and lunch this year, I am pleased to inform you that all students will automatically receive a free breakfast and a free lunch this year. While extra or a la carte items will cost extra, the standard school breakfast and lunch will be free this year for everyone, so students please take advantage of this opportunity.
Students, who were in high school last year, this is a last chance to order a 2020-2021 year book. If you are interested, please send an email to Mr. Bumgardner at
Also, attention High School Choir Parents: An informational meeting will be held for those able to attend on Monday, August 16th at 7 PM in the Auditeria. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the choir activities for the new school year.
Finally, to our families who have open enrollment students, if you have not turned in your open enrollment forms for the new school year, please do so as soon as possible.
Students, we are looking forward to another great school year and we can’t wait to see you back in the halls of UHS very soon!
Thank you! Have a great evening.
We are so excited to kick off a new year here at Unioto Elementary! Class lists for the 2021-2022 school year can be viewed electronically by visiting the following link:
All call for 4:00 pm today!
Our Vision: By inspiring greatness, all students will realize their worth and potential.
Our Mission: At Union-Scioto School District, students will learn, lead and make a difference.
Our Motto: Today’s Learners, Tomorrow’s Leaders.
I would like to welcome everyone back to school for the 2021-2022 school year! Yes it is here! As I said earlier in the summer leading up to the beginning of the school year is the one time it is perfectly acceptable to count the days. Of course, you still need to make every day count! School starts for students on Thursday, August 19!
Just a few announcements:
A reminder I plan to utilize our district facebook page for most of my communication this school year. Please like or follow Union-Scioto Local School District on Facebook. We will be utilizing our building pages as well. Please follow our district Twitter account Union-Scioto LSD for announcements and school related information.
Open enrollment applications need to be turned in as soon as possible. These forms need to be completed each school year.
Open house dates and times have been shared on social media and in the building newsletters families should be receiving via mail this week. Newsletters are available electronically on our building facebook pages and our new district website.
Latchkey parents who are currently registered for this year, please remember, the August payment is due by the first day of school. Payments are always due by the first of each month.
Last school year, we adopted several mitigation strategies in order to address COVID related issues for the purpose of keeping students and staff safe while providing the best learning opportunities possible. We will continue with many of the mitigation strategies such as cleaning and sanitizing our buildings, encouraging hand washing throughout the day, providing sanitizing stations throughout the district, daily monitoring of symptoms by parents, and social distancing as much as possible. Students, staff, and families are permitted and encouraged to wear masks while in the school building, but masks are no longer mandated; however, all students and staff are required to wear masks while using school transportation due to a federal order by the CDC.
In the future, it may be necessary to adjust our safety protocols based on changes made by federal, state, and local authorities or a health emergency that occurs within our district. Please remember that in-person learning each and every day is the district’s expectation for our students.
Lastly, I heard an interesting story about a pencil the other day...yes a pencil. Thought it was appropriate to share since we are embarking on a new school year and using pencils everyday. A pencil - in order for it to become useful it has to be sharpened. Time and time again, over and over it has to be sharpened. If the pencil could actually feel, can you imagine how painful that would be every single time it had to be sharpened! However, the only way the pencil can continue to be useful is to be sharpened and deal with the pain. That is what it takes to be useful. Life is much the same. We are confronted with painful and challenging experiences throughout our lives but through these opportunities character and strength is developed. They are opportunities and preparation for your next big problem or painful experience. These tough experiences fortify you and equip you with the tools and mindset you need to find the best of yourself. Last year was just that. It was tough. Be thankful for the opportunity to learn and grow from it and hold your head up, stand up straight, put your shoulders back and embrace the responsibility of each and every day. Your future you is counting on it. We have definitely been sharpened and are ready and prepared for this year!
We look forward to working together to achieve yet another safe and successful school year.
Go Tanks!
We are so excited to kick off another great year here at Unioto Elementary!
Greetings Unioto Middle School Students,
I want to welcome each of you back for the 2021-2022 school year! A copy of the "UMS Back to School newsletter" was mailed home to each student today. The document contained very specific information related to the middle school.
Please make sure to review the Open House details for Tuesday August 17th. Specifically, sixth grade/new student orientation will be from 6:00 pm-7:00 pm and seventh/eight grade open house from 7:00 pm-8:00 pm.
To access the newsletter electronically, click the link below:
Greetings Unioto High School Students:
We are excited to welcome our students back for the 21-22 school year! Below you will find the link to the UHS Back-to-School Newsletter which has information specific to the high school. A copy of this newsletter was also mailed home to each student. We look forward to seeing everyone back at UHS for another year!
August Middle/High School Breakfast & Lunch Menu!
August Breakfast & Lunch Menu!
School Calendar 2021-2022