Regulator Wrestling Club has the last night of sign ups tonight Nov. 22nd 6-7:30pm in the wrestling facility. Great opportunity to learn something new and be able to use wrestling in all aspects of life. For more information please call or text Coach Lawson 937-508-5354. Find us on Facebook Unioto Wrestling as well!!!
about 2 years ago, Matt Thornsberry, Superintendent
Middle school students were rewarded through the PBIS system with "Pancakes with the Principal" due to their good conduct, attendance, and grades.
about 2 years ago, P.J. Fitch, MS Principal
MS PBIS Rewards:  Pancakes with the Principal
Middle School One Call released on November 16th at 5:00 pm Good afternoon, This is PJ Fitch, your Unioto middle school principal. The purpose of this call is to notify you that the Middle School staff will be having a professional development day tomorrow, Wednesday November 16th. As a result, middle school students will not report to school tomorrow. Please note, all other Unioto Students will report to school as usual. This message only applies to students in grades six through eight that attend Unioto Middle School. Thank you for your time! Go Tanks!
about 2 years ago, P.J. Fitch, MS Principal
Thanksgiving Break begins on Wednesday, November 23rd. School will resume on Monday, November 28th.
about 2 years ago, Megan Phillips, Elem Asst Principal
thanksgiving 22
Breakfast and lunch menus are now available for December! Breakfast is free for all students and the cost of lunches is located on the right side of the menu.
about 2 years ago, Megan Phillips, Elem Asst Principal
dec menu 22 elem
dec 22 menu mshs
“On this Veterans Day, let us remember the service of our veterans, and let us renew our national promise to fulfill our sacred obligations to our veterans and their families who have sacrificed so much so that we can live free.” -- Dan Lipinski There will be no school today, Friday, November 11. Thank you, veterans, for your service!
about 2 years ago, Megan Phillips, Elem Asst Principal
vets day 22
All call for 4:00 pm today! Our Vision: By inspiring greatness, all students will realize their worth and potential. Our Mission: At Union-Scioto School District, students will learn, lead and make a difference. Our Motto: Today’s Learners, Tomorrow’s Leaders. No school tomorrow, Friday November 11, for staff and students due to Veterans’ Day. Thank you to all that have and are serving. You are appreciated. Thank you! Thank you! This next announcement is for middle school students and families only: There will be no school for middle school students only on Wednesday, November 16th due to middle school staff participating in professional development. No school for middle school students only. This does not apply to the other schools. Congratulations to the boys and girls cross country teams who finished up their seasons at the state Championships at Fortress Obetz this Saturday. The boys finished 6th as a team. 2nd out the Regional teams and individual results were: Ashton Beverly 28th, All-Ohio, Academic All Ohio, All District and all-SVC selection Turner Markko 35th, Academic All Ohio, All District and SVC Champion Seth Ogan 36th, All District and all-SVC selection Rowen Lloyd 111th Academic All Ohio, and all-SVC selection Caden Larue 113th Academic All Ohio, All District and all-SVC selection Zack Wallace 144th Academic All Ohio, All District and all-SVC selection Eli Peck 150th Academic All Ohio, All District Team selection On the girls side Cameron Walker was 36th and finished her season as District and SVC Runner of the year and Briana Nelson was 52nd and made the all All-District team, earned Academic all-Ohio and was an all-SVC Selection. Please check our district Facebook page for information in regards to a blood drive we are hosting in January. Jocko Willink says - Short term thinking says the donut tastes good, (the marshmallow tastes good) eat it. Short term thinking says 1 workout really doesn’t matter, skip it. Short term thinking encourages you to make short term emotional decisions that can hurt you in the long run. Think long term. Take action that improves your long term position and moves you toward your long term goals. You need to win battles in order to win the war. You need to know your goals and why they are important. You need to get out of bed, run and exercise, work out, read and study, practice and do the things that you don’t necessarily want to do. Get up and get off your phone and get out of the addictive comfort zone and out in the world and just get after it. Dave Ramsey says - Almost all long term thinking has short term pain. Almost all short term thinking has long term pain and short term relief. Nothing worth having is easy. I say they both have solid advice all should consider. One secret to long term success is the ability to delay gratification. I will share on our Facebook page and experiment conducted years ago at Stanford University called the marshmallow experiment. Parents - this is great example of the significance of teaching and training your children to learn to sacrifice, be patient, and have the ability and discipline to delay gratification. It can be taught and a skill that could have a profound impact on a child’s ability to deal with adversity and learn the concept of sacrifice and working towards a goal. They learn valuable worthwhile goals take time and work. It isn’t instant like almost everything else in their lives. Good stuff!! The Marshmallow Experiment - Instant Gratification Have a great weekend and remember to carry your own weather, hard work works, learn to delay gratification and 4 days til Monday!! Go Tanks!
about 2 years ago, Matt Thornsberry, Superintendent
Altrusa Bazaar at Unioto Elementary Unioto Elementary will host the Altrusa Bazaar this Saturday, November 12 from 9am-2pm. Schmidt’s will be on site and online ordering is available.
about 2 years ago, Matt Thornsberry, Superintendent
Thursday 11/10/22 bus number 17’s students will be approx. 45 minutes late being picked up and 30 min late arriving home. Bus number 17 services Meadow Way, Sunrush Boulevard, Tanager Court, Bunting Court, Falcon, Hanover, Almahurst, Granite Cliff, Stone Trace, Timberview, and Timber Ridge. Thursday 11/10/22 bus number 1's students will be approx. 45 minutes late being picked up and 30 min late arriving home. Bus #1 services Anderson Station Rd. 80-800, Hopewell Heights, Flint, Moccasin, Arrow, TeePee Trail, Mound and Chief Lane. Thank you.
about 2 years ago, Matt Thornsberry, Superintendent
Middle School One Call released on November 8th at 5:00 pm Good evening, This is PJ FItch, your Unioto middle school principal. The purpose of this call is to notify you that the Middle School staff will be having a professional development day on Wednesday November 16th. As a result, middle school students will not report to school on November 16th. Please note, all other Unioto Students will report to school as usual. This message only applies to students in grades six through eight that attend Unioto Middle School. Thank you for your time! Go Tanks!
about 2 years ago, P.J. Fitch, MS Principal
High school & middle school wrestling pre-season meeting for any student interested in wrestling is tomorrow, Wednesday, November 9 at 6pm at the HS/MS Auditeria. Go Tanks!!
about 2 years ago, Matt Thornsberry, Superintendent
Tomorrow Tuesday, and Wednesday, 11/8/22 and 11/9/22 bus number 17’s students will be approx. 45 minutes late being picked up and 30 min late arriving home. Bus number 17 services Meadow Way, Sunrush Boulevard, Tanager Court, Bunting Court, Falcon, Hanover, Almahurst, Granite Cliff, Stone Trace, Timberview, and Timber Ridge. Thank you. Tomorrow Tuesday, and Wednesday, 11/8/22 and 11/9/22 bus number 1's students will be approx. 45 minutes late being picked up and 30 min late arriving home. Bus #1 services Anderson Station Rd. 80-800, Hopewell Heights, Flint, Moccasin, Arrow, TeePee Trail, Mound and Chief Lane. Thank you.
about 2 years ago, Matt Thornsberry, Superintendent
Today Monday 11/7/22, bus number 17’s students will be approx. 30 min late arriving home. Bus number 17 services Meadow Way, Sunrush Boulevard, Tanager Court, Bunting Court, Falcon, Hanover, Almahurst, Granite Cliff, Stone Trace, Timberview, and Timber Ridge. Thank you.
about 2 years ago, Matt Thornsberry, Superintendent
Tomorrow Monday, November 7 bus number 1's students will be approximately 45 minutes late being picked up and will arrive home approximately 35 minutes late in the afternoon. Bus number one services Anderson Station Rd. addresses numbers 80 through 800, Hopewell Heights, Flint, Moccasin, Arrow, Pee Pee Trail, Mound and Chief Lane Thank you.
about 2 years ago, Matt Thornsberry, Superintendent
All call for 5:00 pm today! We have all been super excited for our fall season and the success our teams have experienced and will experience tomorrow as our CC team is competing at the state level. We have so many students involved in our extracurricular events and activities working hard, committing their time and energy, sacrificing for themselves and others, growing and learning, facing challenges, and hopefully, enjoying being on a team and representing our school district in a positive manner. We also have many many other students fighting the fight every day. Competing to be better. Serving on school groups, leading in the classrooms, super focused on their academics, and preparing themselves for their future. We also have many struggling to stay afloat, to stay positive, experiencing difficulty after difficulty, challenges and battles we can only imagine. They push through to face another day and in some cases with very little hope, support, resources, and encouragement. They lose everyday but show up again and again demonstrating such resilience and tenacity. So proud of our kids. This message is to all of our students and anyone else fighting the fight to get to the next minute, next hour, next day or week or year. It is a message for anyone competing with life. I walked through the gym the other day after school and I saw some of our lady student athletes during a practice focused, intense, and just getting after it. It was a real source of inspiration. These same athletes a week earlier were devastated from a tough tough tourney loss, falling to their knees crying and weeping from defeat. A loss. When you invest your heart, soul, mind, and body for something and you fail, lose, or are defeated, the feeling can be simply overwhelming and for some - too much. Just too much. Some are not equipped to deal with loss. Some quit. Many quit. Some will get up, brush themselves off, and go again. Knowing they will be defeated. Knowing they will experience adversity and heartache all this for the small chance to taste real victory or to see just what they are made of. I can assure you with 100% accuracy life experiences will force you to recall something you learned from a loss, a pain, or a hurt. It will happen and it will happen sooner than later and more often than you think. So be thankful to have the opportunity losing brings to you. Experiencing loss personally and watching our staff, coaches, players, students and parents take losses in games, performances, situations, make mistakes, or fail actually encourages me. There is a part of me that is excited and genuinely thankful for the losses. I will get back to this in a second. As superintendent, I hear mostly negative from people. Comes with the territory. Constantly exposed and experience negativity. Every single day. I also hear negativity at games and events directed towards officials, coaches, players, our players and coaches. Quite often I will read social media posts that are very negative about our teams, individual players, coaches, programs, staff, and our school. My challenge to us all, me included, is to be mindful that our children are watching and learning from us. My daughter shared a quote with me a couple of weeks ago she had heard in church. It has been living in my mind recently, and I hope takes up residence because I do not want to forget it. “Our children cannot remember what they have not received, heard, or learned. We all play a part in the next generation.” Wow. This isn’t me wagging my finger like I know best; rather simply sharing a perspective to consider. Our events have families there with children. Our children. Even more are on social media reading the posts and comments. Taking in every bit of it. Receiving. Hearing. Learning. The little eyes are watching us. Be mindful. Don’t mind the criticism and negativity just be mindful on how it is presented and shared. Back to the losses and being thankful for them. Nobody likes to lose. That statement is not actually true. The great ones and those wanting to be great recognize and value losses. They understand that that is the fight. Each day. Its life. You have to fight through. Losses are the only pathway to winning. You have to lose and lose consistently to ever reach the finish line. You can’t get there any other way. You should want to be defeated and defeated decisively, by successfully greater things. And when you lose and you will lose - you must do it the right way. Everyone takes defeats in life but not everyone takes it the right way. Losing the right way is also a responsibility to all the people - your parents, friends, school, teammates, coaches that believe in you. So lose and lose the right way. You will be stronger, wiser, and as most prepared to fight your next fight. Be thankful for the test to find out exactly what you are made and capable of. Even the worst of losses can be a positive. I had a conversation this week with a parent that shared a story of a patient that had struggled terribly with an illness and was losing hope but was able to recover and is doing well. She shared how the person realized in the toughest most worse situations there can be the most beautiful of blessings. A friend of mine shared with me that a winner is just a loser who tried one more time! Be that loser that keeps trying and see what happens!! Have a great weekend and remember to carry your own weather, hard work works, be thankful for your losses and 3 days til Monday!! Go Tanks!
about 2 years ago, Matt Thornsberry, Superintendent
All call for 4:00 pm today! Our Vision: By inspiring greatness, all students will realize their worth and potential. Our Mission: At Union-Scioto School District, students will learn, lead and make a difference. Our Motto: Today’s Learners, Tomorrow’s Leaders. You can expect two all calls this evening. This being the first one and brief and the other at 5:00pm are some thoughts I would appreciate you sharing with our students! Congrats to our cross country team and individuals for once again qualifying for state competition at Fortress Obetz tomorrow. Our boys compete at 1:00pm and girls at 1:45pm with awards at 2:15pm. Great job!! Reminder there is no school on Friday, November 11 in recognition of Veterans Day. Our high school will have a Veterans program on Thursday, November 10 at 1:30pm in the high school gymnasium. This assembly is open to any and all Veterans in our community. A special thank you thank you to all that have served and are serving. Thank you and we hope you can attend!
about 2 years ago, Matt Thornsberry, Superintendent
There will be no school on Friday, November 11 in observance of Veterans Day.
about 2 years ago, Megan Phillips, Elem Asst Principal
veterans day 22
Unioto Middle School "A/B" Honor Roll
about 2 years ago, P.J. Fitch, MS Principal
Middle School "A/B" Honor Roll - 1st Nine Weeks
Middle School "A/B" Honor Roll - 1st Nine Weeks
Middle School "A/B" Honor Roll - 1st Nine Weeks
Unioto Middle School "A" Honor Roll
about 2 years ago, P.J. Fitch, MS Principal
Middle School "A" Honor Roll - 1st Nine Weeks
Middle School "A" Honor Roll - 1st Nine Weeks